Domino seating 90 02.440.1

Street Furniture with style.

Domino 90 | Curved Garden Bench | ZANO Street Furniture
Modular city bench Domino made of stainless steel
90 degrees street bench made of stainless steel and durable hardwood
ZANO Street Furniture present Domino benches at Gryfino townsquare
Townsquare | Street furniture made of steel and softwood
Modern street bench Domino
Urban modular bench - Domino
Circle city bench around tree by ZANO Street Furniture
Domino benches made of carbon steel and egzotic wood
Modular Public Benches by ZANO Street Furniture
Domino Urban Furniture Line
Composition of steel city benches Domino | half round bench Domino 02.440.1
Urban steel benches Domino furniture composition | 02.440.1
Domino bench 90 02.440.1 | dimensions of four segments
Domino 90 bench 02.440.1 | dimensions

specification Explore all Roll all

Dimensions: expand scroll down

  • width: 201 cm
  • height: 45 cm
  • depth: 142 cm
  • Bench bending angle: 90°

Weight: expand scroll down

  • soft wood: 58 kg
  • hardwood of European origin: 69 kg

Materials: expand scroll down

  • wood: European coniferous or exotic
  • steel: carbon or stainless

options Explore all Roll all

Seat: expand scroll down

  • soft wood
  • hardwood of European origin
  • hard wood (oil finish)
  • premium hard wood
  • HPL

Methods of installation: expand scroll down

  • attached by bolts to foundation

Additional table: expand scroll down

  • none
  • left side
  • right side
  • both sides

Armrests: expand scroll down

  • none
  • carbon steel
  • stainless steel

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Original project: Justyna Derewiaka

All rights reserved.

Curved benches Domino | ZANO Street Furniture
Domino modular urban benches

Domino Benches, tables and waste bins by ZANO Street Furniture

All Domino benches available
in various sizes and models.

Additional option

Each Domino bench has a possibility to mount an additional table or two. Below in the example compositions you will find a preview of such a solution.

Little table added to the city bench Domino

Additional option

Each bench can be equipped with an armrest. Below are examples of benches with and without backrests with armrests.

benches with armrests

Domino Benches, tables and waste bins by ZANO Street Furniture

Domino furniture include picnic tables and planters.

Example of compositions

Each Domino bench and planter we can connect
and create modular composition.

Long composition of Domino park benchesOutdoor round picnic tables in stainless steel and hardwoodRound bench with tree potUrban pots with benchesSet of urban benches with plantersVarious arrangements of Domino city benches
Street Furniture | Custom orders | Milling in wood, cuttind and etching in steel


Modular system of benches allows you to create
any composition according to customer order.

Modular system benches Domino by ZANO Street FurniureCity public benches Domino

Description of the model

Domino bench 90° is a modern style seating designed by ZANO Street Furniture. The construction of this model was based on 90° angle. Thanks to this shape you can arrange a city benches of any size, shape and length. Domino seating can surround trees, monuments or main squares and playgrounds. It is functional and innovative. Presented bench is made from high quality materials – black or stainless steel and wood. It can be used inside and outside. What is more, thanks to the stainless steel Domino bench can cope with the rigours of any environment. It is a durable, maintenance- free and long-life material. Domino 90° bench can stand as an individual component or together with other elements of this street furniture line.

Modern line

Modern line presents top quality products made of stainless steel and carbon steel. They were designed especially for the modern architecture. What makes them different is that subtle aesthetics based on simple solid, without any unnecessary ornaments.

Our plant pots

Our firm offers various plant pots in many sizes. Those plant pots can be used directly in the public places, squares, pavements but also as a great decoration for the interior design in places such as: shopping centers, museums or offices.


As a leading manufacturer in Poland we always do our best to meet the customer’s requirements. ZANO is equally comfortable and experienced designing for different types of street furniture projects. We are passionate about creating beautiful, functional, sustainable models. This is achieved through a process of focused listening that seeks to truly understand and respond to the inherent nuances of each particular client.

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