The modular system for development of public space

The City Lounge

The projects modularity is intended to give the possibility of any arrangement of space, resulting in a closer contact with other people, as well as in resting and working primarily among the greenery. The realisation of the project may begin with public consultations with residents of chosen locality. The foundation of The City Lounge project literally and figuratively is greenery - planters for trees provide stability of other elements of the street furniture. All models of The City Lounge were manufactured from exotic wood sapeli and stainless steel.

Winner of the twentieth anniversary edition of the contest GOOD DESIGN


The City Lounge has been awarded during the Good Design 2013 competition in the category Public Sphere for the best designed product on the Polish market. Good Design (Polish „Dobry Wzór”) organized by the Institute of Industrial Design in Warsaw is the only contest in Poland, which professionally evaluates both level and the quality of design of products and services on the Polish market.

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